Friday, August 22, 2008

Research on Jonathan Edwards

Are you currently working on a graduate thesis that concentrates on Edwards? If you are please could you comment below telling us who you are, where you are studying, and how you are approaching JE? We've recently been able to connect people on this blog who are working on similar areas. It might be of use to you. If you have completed recently we would like to hear from you as well.

If you comment below I will consolidate into a blog post.

One possibility is a volume of essays representing the distilled wisdom (!) of recent research.

You can let me know.


Blogger M. Jay Bennett said...

Masters Thesis, Dallas Theological Seminary, A Synthesis of JE's Thought's on Theodicy and Its Pastoral Implications (January 2007, but I've continued to work on it this past year and a half).

5:24 pm  
Blogger Stephen Nichols said...

PhD thesis: The relationship of the Testaments in the theology of Jonathan Edwards. [Looking both at JE's projected 'Harmony' and at his wider corpus].

10:06 am  
Blogger Michael McClenahan said...

D.Phil Thesis, University of Oxford 'Jonathan Edwards' Doctrine of Justification in the Period up to the First Great Awakening' 2006

4:12 pm  
Blogger Bill Schweitzer said...

Here is a consolidated list of JE doctoral students in the UK, and what I know of them.

Chris Chun (St Andrews, Stephen Holmes): JE's influence on Andrew Fuller

Stephen Nichols (Bristol, Oliver Crisp): Harmony project and the relationship between the Testaments

Bill Schweitzer (Edinburgh, David Fergusson): Doctrine/theology of revelation

David Shedden (Edinburgh, David Fergusson): Pending, doctrine of the church?

Kelly Van Andel (Glasgow): organiser of upcoming Jonathan Edwards conference in Glasgow

Kyle Strobel (Aberdeen)

10:33 am  
Blogger Brandon Cozart said...


Do you have any other information on the conference in Glasgow?

9:42 pm  
Blogger Bill Schweitzer said...

Jonathan Edwards and Scotland Conference (30-31 March 2009)


As part of the Scottish Homecoming year, the University of Glasgow is hosting a conference on the relationship between Jonathan Edwards, the colonial American theologian, and Scotland in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, focusing on Edwards’s involvement with Scottish revivalists, the Scottish phase of the Enlightenment, international missions, and related topics, as well as Edwards’s legacy in Scotland. Organized with the assistance of the Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University, this gathering aims to lead to a renewed appreciation of the fascinating and lasting association of Edwards with Scotland.

Though anyone is invited to submit, paper and session proposals are especially welcome from graduate students and younger faculty and scholars in the United Kingdom and Europe. Themes of papers or sessions can include, but are not limited to:

Evangelical Networks and Theology
Edwards and the Erskines
The Scottish Enlightenment
The Concert of Prayer
Emigration and the Scots-Irish in America
Current Issues in Edwards Scholarship

Please submit a one-paragraph abstract of your paper proposal by 15 October to:
Kelly Van Andel

There are limited funds available for travel assistance. Grants of up to £50 will be given to a select number of presenters with a demonstrated need.

7:52 am  
Blogger Daniel said...

Masters Thesis, Dallas Theological Seminary, The Relevance Of An Edwardsean Critique Of
Enlightenment Epistemology For Postmodernity (April 2007). Using Richard Rorty as a example of postmodern thought, I examine JE's thought on epistemology and compare with postmodern doubt.

1:30 pm  
Blogger Jeffrey C. Waddington said...

PhD dissertation (Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia) on Edwards' theological anthropology and how that relates to his apologetic methodology with a view to the perspective of John Gerstner

2:03 am  
Blogger Phil said...

Phillip Luke Sinitiere, doctoral dissertation on pastoral dismissal in colonial New England (U. of Houston, fall 2008).

A chapter on Edwards's dismissal focuses in his 1740s sermons and culminates with an analysis of Farewell Sermon; it uses sermons to understand conflict in Northampton, and Edwards as exegete and parish minister.

1:46 am  

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